This is a charge imposed by the local government to help fund 911 service. The customer’s local government determines whether to provide a 911 system. Costs associated with 911 systems are collected by Gtek through the monthly telephone bill and then paid to the provider of that service.
A fee used to provide financial support for regions where the 911 fee doesn’t fully offset the cost of 911 service. The fee is imposed on each customer receiving intrastate long-distance service.
The state and local governments impose this sales tax. It’s the same sales tax charged on ordinary consumer items. The percentage of tax charged varies by where the customer lives.
The Federal USF, created by the federal government, is designed to help ensure first-class, affordable telecommunications service for all consumers across the country, especially residents in high cost rural communities and low-income customers. Additionally, the Federal USF provides for discounted telecommunications services for schools, libraries and rural health-care facilities. All telecommunications providers are required to pay into the Federal USF, and their contributions may be recovered from customers.
This is a fee that Gtek must pay to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to cover the cost of the FCC’s regulation of Gtek’s service.
The Regulatory Recovery Fee is a charge assessed by Gtek associated with the costs of compliance with government-imposed regulatory requirements. It is not a tax or charge which the government requires Gtek to collect from its customers. This charge is subject to change from time to time as the cost of compliance changes.
The Infrastructure Improvement Fee helps defray costs associated with building and maintaining Gtek’s network, as well as the costs of expanding network capacity to support the continued increase in customers’ requirements. It is not a tax or charge which the government requires Gtek to collect from its customers. This charge is subject to change from time to time as the cost of improvements changes
A fee collected by local municipalities for the use of street rights of way for telecommunications providers’ facilities.
The Crime Control District Tax is a special tax imposed by a local Crime Control and Prevention District, usually used to supplement local law enforcement agencies’ budgets, or fund specific projects.
A fee imposed by cities to fund a variety of municipal development projects, including convention centers, civic centers, auditoriums and other projects.
This is a sales tax imposed by the county in which a customer lives, meant to help provide health services in that county.
This is a charge assessed by the Texas Public Utilities Commission to recover the statutory fee for administering the Public Utility Regulatory Act.
The Transit Tax is a sales and use tax assessed by the local Transit Authority.
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