The billing department is open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. We can be reached by telephone at (361) 777-1400 or fill out our contact form.
Yes, your bill can be paid online. Even if your account is suspended, you can still access the GTEK webpage so you can pay online and get re-activated without having to call the office. If you do not have your username and password, then please contact us at (361) 777-1400, so we can set one up for you. You may also pay your bill by mail, over the phone or come into our office.
Your bill can be sent either by email or by mail. Email is preferred because it gets there faster, but a paper bill can be sent out (additional costs may be applied).
Installation fees vary depending upon the services requested. Please contact us to assure the accuracy of the information you receive.
A router is necessary to connect any wireless laptops or PCs. Our service is wireless from our tower to the radio that we install on your home. The router allows you to connect as many computers to our service as you would like.
You have many routers you can choose from. However, you are not obligated to purchase the router from GTEK. You can purchase a router at most electronic stores, or dept stores with an electronic section. If you are unsure as to which router to purchase, our tech support team is available 24/7.
Gtek does provide Voice Over Internet Phone service.
GTEK uses the internet to provide you superior phone service, but it does not affect how you use your phone or internet.
The quality is typically at least as good as or better than a land line.
The only equipment included will be the VoIP adapter. You are free to choose whichever phone you prefer.
You would need to purchase a prepaid calling card to make the service work outside the United States.
When you sign up for GTEK Phone service, you may elect to “port” (transfer) your existing phone number over to our service. That decision can be made at the time of installation or can be done at a later date. You will need to complete a Line Number Port authorization (LNP) allowing us to contact your current carrier and port your number to our service. The LNP should have the same address and account number as your present carrier has on record. This can be obtained from a recent bill from your current carrier.
We offer “up-to” speeds. If you are paying for the 6 Mbps package, you will get as close to 6 Mbps as possible. If you have Non-Line-of-Sight equipment because you have trees and obstructions between you and the tower, your speeds will be lower. If you have clear line-of-sight to the tower, you should get the maximum speed. When running a speed test, your results will be measured in Mbps. When downloading files, you will see your speed measured in bytes (MB/s), not bits (Mbps).
You can run a speed test at Your household shares the bandwidth, so do a speed test when all other computers and devices are turned off.
Computers that are infected with viruses, spyware, malware, or have not been taken in for a routine check-up are the leading cause of your Internet being slow. At a very minimum for computers that are connected to the Internet, GTEK recommends virus protection to be running and be up-to-date. If you do not currently have an anti-virus program running, we recommend downloading a quality anti-virus like Another quick (and free) way to boost your speed is to use a different browser, such as Firefox or Google Chrome.
You can change your package at any time, simply call or email Customer Support. Changing your package does not extend your contract term, but may adjust your billing date.
A router is necessary to connect any wireless laptops or PCs. Our service is wireless from our tower to the radio that we install on your home. The router allows you to connect as many computers to our service as you would like.
Visit the link for full instructions,
Unlike satellite, which can lose signal during heavy rain, weather does not typically affect the wireless signal. There are some exceptions to this, such as severe storms. Lightning can sometimes damage tower equipment.
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